Born Learning Trails


The Greater Longview United Way is excited to partner with the City of Longview to bring Born Learning Trails to the community. Born Learning Trails are outdoor learning spaces designed to support early childhood development and promote physical activity.

These trails, which will be located in parks throughout Longview, feature interactive signs and activities that encourage parents and caregivers to engage with their young children in fun, educational ways. The trails are designed to be used by children from birth to age 5 and will focus on key areas such as literacy, math, and science.

Where To Find Them

You can find these trails across Longview!

Current Locations:

  • Lois Jackson Park
  • Broughton Park
  • McWhorter Park

In Spring 2025, trail signs will be installed in Marshall, TX. 

The Greater Longview United Way and the Cities of Marshall and Longview will work together to identify the best locations for additional trails and raise the necessary funds to make them a reality.

Get Involved

If you or your organization would like to sponsor a new Born Learning Trail in the Greater Longview area, or if you are interested in helping to install a Born Learning Trail, please contact Evan Dolive, Greater Longview United Way Executive Director at